
What Features to Look for in Website Themes and Templates Before Buying?

Designing a website requires you to choose your theme out of thousands of options. Your website theme matters a lot because this theme is the look, feel and style of your website. Once you decide to build your website, you might be worried where to start and what needs to be done next to bring traffic to your website.   Things to Keep in Mind while Choosing Website Themes and Templates for your website: Your website acts as a medium through which you can showcase your business. Choosing the best design (theme) for your website lets you analyse the visual impact that it will have on your visitors. A template is a predefined website structure that can be customized and personalized according to your requirements. It requires only minor modifications for personalization. Carefully Analyse the Website Header: The first thing that catches the eyes of visitors is the Website Header. It is the most prominent stuff that your visitors look at when they visit your website. If the header is a...

Get Web Hosting Themes at Red Cheap Theme

  Web Hosting Themes Nowadays, a website is the most important part of a business. Thanks to the advancement of internet technology, you can present your business all over the world and manage it all from time to time by launching your website.    As everything is online and every business keeps their website, having a user-friendly and responsive and of course an attractive website is a matter of keeping your business ahead. Web Hosting Themes and Web Hosting WHMCS Themes are high in demand for their unique features.       WHMCS Themes are very popular nowadays because of their new and modern features. WHMCS stands for “Web Host Manager Complete Solutions”. It handles everything including customer sign up, provisioning, management and support. Web Hosting WHMCS Themes is your one-stop solution.   Let’s have a look at different sorts of Web Hosting WHMCS Themes and their specifications:   Red Host WHMCS Themes: Eye-catchy and customizable design...

How WHMCS Works and Its Template Customization?

WHMCS is a one-stop web hosting solution for things like handling billing and support tickets. With the help of this tool, hosting providers can save countless hours by automating some repetitive tasks. This will allow you to focus on growing your business rather than technical stuff.  The easy to use interface allows you to manage customer sign-up, server, management, and support. It is the perfect tool and allows you to integrate major payment gateways such as PayPal.  It has become an industry staple for people who are in the hosting business. It will make your life easier by collecting payments from your clients automatically. Apart from payments, it can also handle a lot of additional hosting-related services.  Well, if you want to provide a new and refreshing experience to your customers, then you must allow theme customization. Customers always expect a seamless experience from a service provider while using the control panel. And getting the right look and feel i...

Red Cheap Theme: Your Storefront Designer and Marketer!

  Red Cheap Theme Red Cheap Theme recently announced a service provider platform that we have added to the Resellerclub Supersite Templates to provide you with professional design, development, marketing and SEO assistance from experts, and even have the opportunity to offer our own expertise.  In this blog post, we would like to draw your attention to a service provider that can fulfill your design and marketing needs:   Red Cheap Theme provides responsive WordPress and WHMCS Themes order form templates for web hosting providers and distributors. You should consider using WHMCS if you are looking for a completely custom storefront without experiencing any technical issues with API integration. Don't understand WHMCS? WHMCS is an all-in-one client solution for management, billing and support. Its powerful features and easy integration make it the interface of choice for the leading hosting providers in more than 130 countries. With RC Theme, you can integrate WHMCS with...